Allow customers to be sorted by date added and not only alphabetically
I am more likely to be searching for a recently added customer than the customer beginning with the letter A. Show the date added. Sometimes this is useful to jog memory about the customer. Still retain the ability to sort alphabetically, of course.
The ability to be able to do a mass update on current customers, by using the customer code, and updating field details already on the system. At the minute this isn't allowed as it would be duplicated.
Allow contact details to be separate from customer account name
At the moment, to get your customers listed alphabetically, you cannot use Mr or Mrs as part of the customer name, as alphabetically they appear under the Mr M rather than Smith (Mr M Smith)
Facility to add payment options to Customer Statement
If we could add all payment option details to the bottom of customer statements then there would be no need to refer to or attach the invoices referred to in statement
Moving the 'notes & files' field on customer accounts to the top of the page, so notes are more visible to the eye.
Moving the notes field on customer accounts from the bottom of the page to the top under transactions. We would find it useful as notes on individual client accounts are always being missed due to them not being very visible.
add the option to delete multiple note's (i.e statements sent) as I would like to remove older ones
Would it be possible to add the option to delete multiple note's (i.e statements sent) as I would like to remove older ones? as once paid, I no longer need to keep them going back to 2018 or older and deleting one at a time take too long, I would ...
I would like to be able to print the screen list of unpaid customer invoices so I can check my records. Don't need any other informnation and do not need a copy of the invoice.
Aggregate the 'Notes' into a single view on the Overview page to show recent activity
If other customers do as we do and include details of correspondence with clients in the ‘Notes’ section attached to each invoice, it would be useful to be able to see an aggregated view of all ‘Notes’ in reverse chronological order on the Overvie...