I would like to see a running total on a statement showing balance owed.I run a letting business and if you need to evict someone you need to be able to show how much rent is owed on a particular date.
It would be great if there was maybe an extra column on "Statements" where whatever bulk payment you have made to suppliers stays there because at the moment once the bulk payment has been allocated to invoices,it doesn't show on the statement any...
It would good to see a running balance after each transaction on each statement rather just a balance at end of the statement.I am a landlord and if you have to evict a tenant for rent arrears you need to be able to show the weekly or monthly rent...
When clicking on the customers icon which displays the list of customers is there any way of also displaying here the first line of their address to easily be able to identify customers with the same surname.
In the Customer Section, arranged alphabetically, it would help if the 'Page 1/2/3' etc'. function for searching out other customers beginning with the same letter, was also at the top of the page as well as the bottom of the page.
If we have a l...
Ability to have more than one delivery address on a customer account
I think it would be very useful to have the ability to input multiple delivery addresses on a customer account. We currently have a number of customers with numerous delivery points and have to changeevery time we send to a different location. We ...
Your system only allows an export of up to 25 invoices under one date. That isnt much help when you are creating over 100. A function to allow us to export into PDF either by a parameter of between invoice numbers would be far better.
our sales team have been adding new customer profile for existing customers by mistake that has left us in the situation we have many customer profiles for the same customer with invoices spread across them. It would be good if you could simply me...