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KashFlow Ideas

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Invoicing & Quotes

Showing 625

Add a way to mark invoices as 'not yet sent' or 'draft' (like the status function with Sales Orders).

This is because I like to get invoices prepared ready to send to clients but not send them out until the end of the month.
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 1 Already exists

To be able to print a list of quotes out

It would be useful to print a list of quotes out (say by date span) with minimal details, customer name, product amount etc so you can follow them up easier or give to your sales person to follow up.
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Already exists

Overpaid Color

Can we make overpaid invoices a different color to red? This is visually confusing as OVERDUE invoices are red.
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Ability to show a pre vat total for each line on invoices and quotes.

I would like Kashflow to show a pre vat total for each line on invoices and quotes. My customers may buy several thousand of one product, it's good to see the cost per item pre vat, but if they buy 3000, they also want to know the cost for 3000 pr...
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

COL HEADER and COL CLASS for Project Name

Is there any way I could get a COL Class and Header for Project Name so that I can show it in line items on invoices and quotes in a custom template? Or is there a workaround for this please? Kind regards John Laker
John Laker almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 1 Already exists

payment terms global update for existing customers

I cant believe you have to update payment terms for every existing customer individually if you want to change the terms from say 28 days to 14 days as I have decided to do. I hope we can have a global update facility for all existing customers soon?
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Able to lock all invoices changes (select a date in the future)!

Possibility to lock changes to saved invoices, which is a requirement in many European countries.
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Add frequently used buttons (add invoice, add purchase etc) along top bar so always available

Hi Would it be possible to add some frequently used buttons along the top line? For example create invoice, create purchase? I find it time consuming to go click back two steps after creating an item in order to create another.I realise that not e...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Already exists

Use delivery address automatically when you do a delivery note

This function is currently not possible but I think it makes perfect sense if you have saved the delivery dress (when you enter customer details on) and invoice can go to the usual address and when you click on delivery note or packing slip it cou...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

I suggest you develop a French Version of KashFlow

This will be very useful for the French speaking nationals and countries
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Will not implement