It is very cumbersome having to create separate csv reports for different sales types. We use this sales report to send to our warehouse every day to have them fulfilled. Being able to export this in one go would be fantastic.
We pay most of our suppliers through BACS. All their bank details are stored on the system. It would save a lot of time if we could click on an invoice, instruct the system to pay through BACS, after which the system updates the bank account.
We have set price lists in three currencies for all the products we sell. Ideally, if a customer is chosen that uses that currency, the price in that currency for the items purchased should appear on the invoice automatically.
It would be nice if KashFlow could integrate with payatrader. With Payatrader it’s easy to accept card payments. You can take payments online at your website, by telephone using the FREE Payatrader Virtual Terminal No separate merchant account nee...
It would be of much benefit to us if we were able to have customers digitally sign delivery notes/invoices - either with a signature pad or using a mouse.We would then be able to email proof of delivery/collection notes straight to customers witho...
My P&L isn't always accurate because sometimes I've bought stock for later re-sale, thus my purchases are high without reflecting that stock levels have increased. My accountant also moans about the trial balance/balance sheet not showing stock!
Can date short cuts be introduced to save time when entering a number of invoices/payments? It can be quite time consuming having to enter the full date every time. Examples being: 4 - enters 4th of the current month 4/3 - enters 4th March of curr...
Have the ability to set invoices to be emailed automatically to customers when they are marked as paid. Set customer by customer as not all customers require an invoice
A module to interface to Commerce Kickstart ( ) using the KashFlow interface functions from: and