When you are in the Supplier tab and click on 'Create Purchase' the supplier box always defaults to the first supplier in alphabetical order on the list of suppliers. Can this be disabled so that when you create a new purchase invoice the 'Supplie...
We are no longer able to change a client's password but can still access the client's records when the client themselves are locked out. We need the ability to unlock a client and change their passwords if they are locked out as we are our client'...
Summary of payment/receipts on supplier/customer accounts
It is very annoying looking at a customer and supplier statement and seeing a payment or receipt exploded out. If I am looking for an amount, say £5000, from the bank statement the ideal would be to have that showing on the statement with the opti...
For customers we can specify many extra fields on their record, we need this for suppliers too.
I have many building trade clients and it would be useful to be able to record UTR number, NI number and Verification Number against their sub-contra...
Being able to use more characters and letters in the customer invoice box and the same invoice number
When we enter our credit notes this would be for example C195611111111. The box does not allow enough characters and needs to include letters as some of our clients use letters in their invoice numbers. We also are finding clients are using the sa...
The new MTD home page is a pain in the arse to be frank.
Why not list all returns on one page. It is driving me mad at the moment because am doing December 2019 returns and the view defaults to a blank 2020 page, so I have to change to 2019 then...
We can add new fields into customer and supplier fields but these do not appear on the customer/supplier transaction summary page.
It would be useful to at least be able to nominate one field to appear on that page.
A couple of examples:
Why when I am batch posting payments and receipts does the name come up and not the supplier reference? We use references because they are short and easy to remember. One of my clients deals with multiple offices of a group all with the same name ...