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Paid invoices not showing invoice number in the customer transaction statement

This was on the old Kashflow system. If part paid invoices are entered you cannot see which payment is made against the invoice as no numbers are shown. Just the value and date are shown for a particular customer.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0

Profit and loss account reports losses as profits

The profit and loss report is reporting losses as profits and showing them as positive numbers - this is doubly misleading and unprofessional. Whereas it is obviously nonsense to the user where the losses are significant, it is not so obvious wher...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Will not implement

Upload Purchase Items via csv

Would it be possible to be able to upload a list of products to purchase ready for purchase orders, you can only do it one by one at the moment. You provide an option to do it for sale items but not purchase items.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0

Enable facility for document manager.

Adding any document - invoice - terms or miscellaneous important information required to the actual supplier/customer you are using.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow 1 Already exists

Attacking Bank Staments to the Bank accounts

It would be great if you can attach your electronic copies of your bank statements to the Bank when you reconcile similar to Invoices and Purchase receipts.
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0

Connect to IRIS openspace to send payroll reports for approval

No description provided
Guest over 6 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0

Invoice Period Box

Be good to have invoice period box I run a business where we rent equipment on a monthly or quarterly basis so we run same invoices every month or quarter ie 1 machine rental £0.00 invoice Period August 2018 then repeat invoice following month 1 ...
Paul Cane over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

We have an item Age Group in our custom customer field settings. Is there a report to search for an age group ie: U09 or U15?

We are a football academy and each year we have to change all our members age group from say U11 and move them all up to U12. At present there is no way of downloading a report of their age group, so we have to trawl through each player. some of w...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 Acknowledged

Password lock in Advanced Settings

When in the Advanced Settings on KashFlow, I feel as though it would be useful to have an option to use a password when locking a financial period. This will further secure the old financial periods which are then set in stone. This will reduce po...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 Acknowledged

Generating a report of wholesale value of stock

As a company who deals in both a wholesale and retail pricing structure, it would be useful to be able to generate a report to show our wholesale value at varying points throughout the year. This would also be very useful for us to be able to info...
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Acknowledged