It would be useful for a stock location to be added to the Sales and Purchase Code setup, and especially to the Packing Slip, so that items could be picked easily and quickly and by any member of staff. Also, when items are re-stocked they could b...
Can we please have another date option under the frequency of repeat purchases to the End Of Month, Currently the latest day is the 28th in the drop down (I assume to allow for February) but for instance, our waste provider issues invoices on...
When you go to the Suppliers or Customers screen and view a transaction history, you have an option to print the view. It would be beneficial I feel to allow the addition to a total value field to be added to the end of the selected period your pr...
Basic Text Formatting for Purchases/Invoicing Comments
It would be a useful feature to have some extra options when creating comment fields in Kashflow.
Such as BOLD, ITALICS, UNDERLINED, Or all 3 for the Greedy ! - either by HTML coding < b>< /b> etc, or via the likes of Whatsapp which ...
Enable un-assigned items to be grouped together to enable easy re-assignment
When producing reports eg., Profit & Loss - un-assigned items are shown within a code, however when you drill down on the un-assigned total - all the items in the original code are listed. Without going into each entry you are unable ascertain...
In 'New Batch Payment' give option to select individual supplier invoices between two set dates, as laid out in a statement
When paying one month's invoices in New Batch Payment, if there is an invoice is received late, it is difficult to find it without going through all of the invoices, making balancing the payment difficult.
When importing a Paypal transaction you can only select a sales code, not a product code. It would save a lot of time if a product code could be added before assigning an invoice or purchase. Also, it would be helpful if you could assign a product...