At the moment you are able to assign one Customer to a project but this doesn't auto fill the project box. To save time when posting invoices it would be good if, when you create invoices, those customers are automatically assigned to a project.
SEO for eCommerce sites are the method of giving rise to person online stock more noticeable in the search device outcome layers. A person can get more traffic from the paid search, while SEO price is much limited. E-commerce marketing services ar...
Date range to be the same from Profit and loss report to the nominal code breakdown
When entering the date range for the profit and loss or balance sheet report and then looking at the different nominal codes ie: sales, the date range changes. It would be of great help if it could copy the date range across.
I had a contra entry to make where client had reduced supplier payment by amount owed to them on sales ledger.
The method told me by support was to create a dummy bank account and post both sides to this, it seems a bit clumsy, what is needed is t...
Many clients do not like the direct bank feed and we import the bank via csv.
Where several invoices are cleared by a single payment or receipt the matching of this is laborious. I either have to go through invoices one at a time and apply a credi...