Customer statement current/30/60/ 90 plus days breakdown
On our old system, when sending customer statement we had the option of a current/30/60/90plus days or current / 1 month / 2 month 3 months plus at the bottom of the statement. ( no due date).
This is helpful to both customers & ourselves.
I think the from/to dates on the customer transaction enquiries screen should not be static. Any new invoices posted do not show on the customer page unless you change the dates that the on screen view shows. This means changing the date range eve...
New Customers can input their details into your system before you invoice them
This would be useful for customers to fill out a type of 'contact form' as inputting manual data is very time consuming for a small business when we don't have the resources to hire someone to do this for us. It saves time with mistakes and it wou...
Feature to combine duplicate accounts to one account if all have the same email address
It would be great for a feature to combine accounts so we don’t have duplicate accounts being created for the same customer with the same email address. Please can you add this? EKM just created one and it works instantly combining all the custome...
Have a main customer set up and be able to add sub-customers under the main customer, so that customers that are part of a group but make one payment, all the invoices that relate to this group can we seen together.
Send bulk emails to customers from within Kashflow
We are finding it time consuming having to click on individual customers to send a group notification eg a price increase etc. Being able to select all or a large selection of customers at once, then send one email to them would save us so much ti...
On kashflow you used to be able to export customers details as vcards and i have been informed via support that this feature has been removed as it was not very popular. I would like it to be reinstated as it is very useful feature.