The ability to be able to do a mass update on current customers, by using the customer code, and updating field details already on the system. At the minute this isn't allowed as it would be duplicated.
When a note window opens, do not blank out the former page so severely.
When a note window opens, do not blank out the former page so severely (some blanking but retaining legibility is most desirable). Often I want to refer to invoice numbers and dates in my note and I can no longer see them after the note window is ...
Aggregate the 'Notes' into a single view on the Overview page to show recent activity
If other customers do as we do and include details of correspondence with clients in the ‘Notes’ section attached to each invoice, it would be useful to be able to see an aggregated view of all ‘Notes’ in reverse chronological order on the Overvie...
Ability to scroll through all invoices for one customer
Instead of having to click on each individual invoice for a certain customer in order to be able to see the details you should be able to open one invoice and then scroll backwards or forwards through each of their invoices. Currently if you do th...
Need a simple method to be able to contra between the supplier and customer ledgers without having to set up a dummy bank account. It is needed because it is very easy for clients to forget to change the date when creating the contra payment meani...
It would be great to be able to merge two customer accounts - at the moment, the only way around this is to either manually assign invoices from one account to the other or manually exporting and importing the data again. Sometimes customers end u...
I would like to see a running total on a statement showing balance owed.I run a letting business and if you need to evict someone you need to be able to show how much rent is owed on a particular date.
Multiple delivery addresses with a single invoice address
We have a few accounts with one invoice point and multiple delivery addresses. As such it would be ideal if the account could be set up as the invoice address but with the option to save multiple delivery addresses. We currently have this option i...
It would be great if there was maybe an extra column on "Statements" where whatever bulk payment you have made to suppliers stays there because at the moment once the bulk payment has been allocated to invoices,it doesn't show on the statement any...