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Allocate multiple payments against multiple invoices

For one customer or supplier we need to Allocate multiple payments against multiple invoices that balance to nil. The amounts do not match individually but do in total
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 1 Acknowledged

View the Project Tag on the Purchase Screen

It would be useful if we could view the Project that a Purchase Invoice was assigned too on the purchase screen which shows the list of invoices? this would be good to ensure all invoices have been assigned correctly to a Project.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged

View/Sort purchases into categories

On the purchases page, it would be useful to be able to 'sort' this page by expense categories, If for example, I wanted to see the purchases I'd made that related to 'motor expenses' or 'stationary' or 'subcontracters' - the only way to do this i...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged

Ability to attach Scanned Invoices to purchaces

Ability to attach Scanned Invoices to purchaces
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged

Receipt Bank: Pull through bank reference in to description field in Kashflow

All purchases published from RB are lacking details and just a fill stop if populated in the description field. RB confirmed at Accountex that they provide this info, but KashFlow isn't displaying it. Pls pull through bank reference in to descript...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 1 Acknowledged

Default Allocation Date of Credit Notes/POA

Lesley Spalding Apr 28, 11:46 BST Hi, Why does the date default to date of posting when allocating credit note ( required to amend the original invoice) NOT to the credit note date. This distorts the creditors list and is incredibly frustrating ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged

Bulk import Expenses on a CSV file

I am new to Kashflow and our buisness runs on a very basic level. We have been forced into using accounting software due to the new MTD requirement imposed by the HMRC. We presently collect expenses information using a basic Excel format which inc...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 0 Acknowledged

Useful stock entry system & sorting facility

I have a couple of requests that would greatly improve my system operation. These are: 1. The ability to add a stock item on the fly when processing purchase invoices would be immensely useful. Currently, when processing a purchase invoice, if a...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 2 Acknowledged

Refunds can be put through as a negative sale not a purchase

At the moment, I have discovered if you put a refund through as a negative (same nominal code etc as sale), it becomes a purchase. This means that the sales figures are overstated eg. in VAT. Apparently, in order to prevent this, you have to put a...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 1 Acknowledged

Please introduce intergaration to one drive as well as dropbox

Give us some more options other than drobox as I have a one drive account and don't want to have pay for drobox account as well.
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Purchases 1 Acknowledged