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Invoicing & Quotes

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I’d like to be able to select the image that I use for the paid stamp on my invoices

Hi I’d like to be able to select the image that I use for the paid stamp on my invoices; in much the same way I that can choose the image that I use for my logo at the top of the invoice. I’ve had clients and other Kashflow users suggest that th...
Alan Morton over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Basic staff should not be able to delete invoices

We deal with alot of cash customers therefor I don't think someone who can input a sales invoice on the system be able to delete invoices as this puts the company and other members of staff at risk of monies going missing
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

merge customers that change their name

We have a number of customers that start as individuals using their own name and, as they grow, they create a company. We would like to be able to merge these two identities so we can see their combined purchases.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Multilingual invoice template

It would be great to offer that we are able to print invoices in native language of the country we are selling goods to. For example if we sell to Germany we would need German invoice, for Italy Italian invoice etc.
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Allow a custom column field to be added to POs and sales invoices - so that part numbers can be added

There is no option to add a column on to POs and invoices at present. This means that part numbers cannot be added. At present when I click on a product code/type using the dropdown menu, the product description is filled in automatically. Althoug...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Paying by installments

We have a lot of clients who pay by installments. We require to import the payments from the bank and link them to the correct invoice each time. Every entry from the bank requires to be reconciled. At present we can only allocate 1 payment to eac...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 1 Acknowledged

Having attended a site would it be possible to generate a document (Test Certificate for example)

Would it be possible for Kashflow to generate a document based on the details on the invoice which we could send to clients. In our case we would call it a Test Certificate - Thus eliminating having to raise a document externally and repeat enteri...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Customer able to pay a Quote / Proforma that then converts to invocei automaticlly

This would be great to make a quote, email to customer, they can click and pay online which converts direct to an invoice. We quite often quote, then create invoice, send to customer and they don't pay, so we then have to make a credit for the non...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Locked Transactions

I am receiving purchase order numbers from customers after the invoices have been generated. The new lock function is not permitting me to add the PO's on invoices which have been filed on a VAT return. The sum will not be altered just the order n...
Grant Spencer about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged

Adding a new PDF theme

Re: When adding a new theme (+ add new theme) and selecting a template (classic or clean), the new theme created doesn't have the same options as the template. For example in the “basics” tab, the t...
Guest about 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Acknowledged